Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Most Annoying Abilities in WoW- March Madness Style: Part 2!

Hello there, and welcome back to bracket two of the introductory round of the battle for the title of the most annoying ability in the World of Warcraft.

The previous entry saw Bladestorm narrowly edging out Bloodthirst for the title of most annoying Warrior ability. Today we're moving to the complete opposite end of the spectrum, and taking a look at the most annoying abilities of the Priest class.


A Priest has the capability of being a powerful healer and a versatile DPS, so it is quite easy to experience frustration when facing the class in pvp. Their use of damage over time, combined with their instant cast heal over time spell, renew, can prove to be too much for many opponents to handle.

For the Priest bracket, I decided to take a look at some uniquely frustrating abilities that are available exclusively to the class. Mass Dispell, Mind Control, Psychic Scream, and Mana Burn will all duke it out for the title of most annoying Priest ability and the chance to represent the class in the final bracket.

For the first round, Mass Dispell faces off against Mind Control. Playing a Paladin, my bias against Mass Dispell is palpable. I can still remember to this day the first time I experienced having my bubble stolen from me way back in The Burning Crusade, (ironically enough I was bubble hearthing). Despite my personal hatred for Mass Dispell, when it comes down to pure annoyance few things can compare to losing control of your character, only to watch it jump around like an idiot at the hands of a smug Priest. The indignity is usually short lived however, as most Priests will be kind enough to jump your character over the edge of a cliff. Hands down, Mind Control advances to the next round in a landslide.

The second bracket of the class features the AOE fear bomb Psychic Scream matching up against the bane of healers: Mana Burn. Mana Burn is a unique ability that grants Priests the ability to render nearly any mana using class impotent with a few casts. The frustration of seeing your mana bar dwindle so quickly easily proves just how annoying the skill can be. However, when compared to the instant cast AOE fear bomb, the ability just doesn't hold up on the annoyance meter. Psychic Scream is a long fear, with a fairly short cool down. I think we've all been locked in that fight with a Priest where we thought to ourselves, "What the... Psychic Scream again.. WTF.. WTB diminishing returns!?!" For the frustration factor, (and for all
the walls I've gotten stuck in) Psychic Scream advances.

The final match between MC and Psychic Scream is anything but any easy decision. Both abilities can be extremely frustrating, can throw off your momentum in a battle, and can result in a smashed keyboard. However the pure annoyance of watching control of your character slip from your fingers and into the hands of that pimply twelve year old on the other side of the screen can't be topped. Watching him gloat as he runs your character into the Twisting Nether of an EOTS match is easily one of the most annoying things in Warcraft, and the reason why Mind Control will be advancing to the finals!

So after the second preliminary round, this is how the final bracket is shaping up:

As the second class to enter the competition, Priests luck their way into the sixth position in the bracket, resulting in second and third round byes.

Check back soon for more results in the tournament of the most annoying Warcraft abilities!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Most Annoying Abilities in WoW- March Madness Style!

We've all been there... grinding out your ten arena matches this week, or farming battleground rep... when it happens. It takes you by storm, lighting a fire in your soul, that erupts out of your mouth in a fury of profanity. You've just been victimized by one of the many annoying abilities in WoW.

But which ability is so nerve-wracking, so wall-punching, so dog-kicking-ly annoying, as to be called the most annoying ability in the game!

Lucky for you I have begun a quest to answer that exact question. Today I introduce the format for the WoW Annoying Ability Supremacy Battle Royale!

It goes like this, each class will be given its own preliminary round to determine which of its abilities is the absolute most annoying (completely biased and based on my own frustrating PvP experiences). Each class will be given four abilities, and after careful analysis, only one will remain, which will then be moved into the overall bracket featuring the most annoying ability from each class!

For week one of the tournament, I'll introduce one of the preliminary brackets with my analysis, before adding the winning ability to the "big board."

First, we'll take a look at the hardhat hero of the Warcraft community...


For the Warrior's bracket I choice four unique abilities: Bladestorm, Mortal Strike, Shattering Throw, and Bloodthirst (for this bracket Bloodthirst will represent all HP regen abilities of the class.)

The bracket opens up with Bladestorm taking on Mortal Strike. Mortal Strike is the veteran of the two, with Bladestorm being a relative newcomer to the scene. Despite being a powerful and frustrating tool for opponents to manage, Mortal Strike lacks effectiveness against opponents that have no healers (double dps!) while Bladestorm is a highly effective and unstoppable aoe attack. So In a close fight, I have to give the edge to Bladestorm, because once that Orc starts spinning, don't expect him to stop until either you or his stomach contents hit the ground... whichever comes first.

The second bracket features the bane of Paladins and Priests- Shattering Throw, up against the Warrior's HP regeneration abilities, like Bloodthirst. As a Paladin, Shattering Throw seems like it would be an obvious choice... but based on my experiences many Warriors forget to use it, or are easily line of sighted while they're attempting to throw their puny weapons. So for the shear frustration factor of trying to down a Warrior that inexplicably keeps healing... this round goes to Bloodthirst.

For the conclusion of the Warrior bracket, Bloodthirst and Bladestorm advance to face each other for ultimate annoyance supremacy! Bloodthirst strikes first, with the longevity it adds to Warriors, allowing them to heal, when they have no business being a healing class. But sadly, this isn't even a fair fight... the arena ratings speak for themselves, the cleave comps are smashing their way to the top. So I'm giving the edge to Bladestorm, for being so damn effective despite being so effectively annoying.

The Warrior bracket had some shake ups, but Bladestorm comes out victorious and advances to the big board!

So after the first class completed their preliminary round, this is how the big board looks:

With the luck of the draw, Warriors ended up in the 5th slot, meaning they have a bye through the first two rounds. Lucky jerks!

Stay tuned for the rest of the tournament, coming soon!
